Katie and Craig WEDDING Parking Chart for 8/31/24
We have constructed this Parking Chart with the help of our nearby neighbors! The new local Fire Chief also made a visit and gave us helpful advisement!
We have your safety and all our neighbors, in mind.
This should be very easy!
NOTE: If you are parking along the side of the road,
please maneuver your passenger side tires off the road
to the fullest extent possible.
Please be mindful of not blocking anyone
from exiting their spot!
Thanks to those who are car-pooling! LOVE YOU ALL! See you Soon!
Parking ARRIVAL:
Please Plan to navigate to the road early, arriving by 3:30 at the very latest. Thank you. We are starting the Ceremony promptly at 4 p.m.
>There will be Sandwich Board SIGNS with NUMBERS at all Parking areas.
>There will be HELPERS stationed in front of 891 to Assist you in finding your areas.
> For GPS use the Address of the area you have been assigned.
Walking from your Car into the Wedding:
>To Arrive, walk and Enter the Wedding, WALK between the BLUESTONE WALL Driveway, to the back of the house, and follow the arrows to the TENT!
>For those of you parking along the Logging Road, you may choose to walk and Enter the Wedding via the forest (path is cleared) or walk along the road to the Bluestone Wall driveway at 891 if you prefer.
DEPARTURE: After the Wedding/ Walking to Leave:
>We have laid out forest and perimeter lighting and are providing flashlights. Feel free to bring your own Flashlight if you have a good one!
>We have also set up a Spotlight at the end of the 891 Driveway to illuminate the “891” road number that will create an illuminated pool of light to stand and wait in, as needed.
> You can use the Illuminated 891 area to have friends or family wait, while you retrieve your car and pick them up, thus reducing the number of people walking on the road.
891 Ashokan Road, Kingston, NY 12401 “Bull/Raleigh”
BACK of HOUSE next to purple garden shed (1 Spot)
David & Gloria F. w. Mario and Geraldine M.
FRONT of 891 on grass within the CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY (5 Spots)
Brenda B.
Mary D.
Sheryl &Frank G., Kristen N.
Renee RJ., Jasmine RJ, Mahima S.,
Bull & Carlson Family
(Joanna B. no parking/friend is Dropping-Off)
There are three exit/entry points into that Circular Driveway. We have added gravel, and you should have no problem entering/exiting. There will be helpers to assist you! We have arranged your cars with access and departure in mind, so no one is blocked.
FRONT of 891 HOUSE along ROAD (8 Spots)
Curt & Joanna R.
Thomas & Cass R.
Josh & Lauren R.
Nate & Claire R.
Dejha C. & Donna T.
Lorielle, Susan, Henry and Marilyn M.
Lisa, Rob, Oliver & Sophia BL
Suzanne, Rob, Jay RG
891 “LOGGING ROAD” ENTRY into forest near 891 Corral (8 Spots)
Mark, Nupur, Maya, Shiv S. w/In-Laws
Kevin, Zarna, Zev w/Connie P.
Cindy & Bud L.
John, Lisa and Kolton S.
Seb & Carlotta
Jeff L. & Mary L
Aileen G. & Richard
Quentin M. & Karen C.
891 Front of SIDE HILL beside woodshed (2 Spots)
Fran Bull & Robert B.
Austin & Alexis R.
861 Ashokan Road, Kingston, NY 12401 A one-minute walk to 891
861 Driveway (3 Spots)
Kathy D. and John W.
Peggy S.
Oatley K. w/ Blake & Sarah
FRONT of 861 along the ROAD (14 spots)
Park along the stretch between 861 and the 891 Driveway
(Please don’t block 861 driveway or drive across the 861 lawns. Placing a part of the passenger side of your car partly on the grass at the roadside is mandatory)
John & Wendy D.
Scott & Teresa W.
Tim and Andrea K.
Sheila C.
Anthony F.
Rob & Holly B.
Caren & Brian Epps
Greg J.
Deb & Jonathan B.
Holly D. Chuck O
Tevis T & Matthias R.
Francine Z, Royston C., Naomi L, William B.
Montgomery S.
Joe F. & Ilse P.
918 Ashokan Road, Kingston, NY 12401 2-min walk to 891
918 Driveway (3 spots): There are 4 additional spots at this family's field, if needed. Look for signs with parking space numbers that they plan to post for your ease and so that nobody is blocked. Please don't block anyone in, thank you!
Cam & Louis
Geo S.
Ras & Abby
838 Ashokan Road, Kingston, NY 12401 ( Stoneleaf)
3–4-min walk to 891. 12 UNASSIGNED Spots - Overflow Only
Please let the Helpers direct you to Stoneleaf ONLY if needed. Located Next to the Stoneleaf “Garden” (there is a big SIGN on the Garden Fence that says, “A Freedom Budget is a Healthcare Budget”) Park to the RIGHT of Garden Fence in the open Field.
If you are camping i.e.) staying overnight with Katie and Craig, you cannot park here.