Katherine & Craig

August 31, 2024 • Kingston, NY

Katherine & Craig

August 31, 2024 • Kingston, NY

Wedding Party

Quentin Lee Moore
Quentin Lee Moore - Spiritual Officiant & Wedding Facilitator
Quentin is Katie's long-time voice coaching protege, a professional vocal coach, actor & singer, and a deeply spiritual being. Raised in Christianity, he is evolving his own relationship to his spiritual root and his sense of the Divine. Quentin miraculously shares Katie and Craig's combined spiritual ground. Craig is a man raised in Christianity who has augmented his traditional spirituality to encompass mysteries of the Universe, mysteries Katie cares about profoundly. Katie was raised with Nature & Art as reflections of divine intelligence. She is drawn to the archetypes of nature, humanism and mysticism, that carry messages of Love. Quentin, Katie and Craig are sharing their feelings and beliefs about spirituality and principles of inclusivity and compassion. Quentin will facilitate the wedding to reflect Katie and Craig's spiritual Alchemy and will also acknowledge the way that community plays a role in ritual, offering a nod to all present bearing witness to the wedding! Quentin is also facilitating the wedding-weekend tasks and the flow of the Wedding day. Everybody, Breathe. (Katie took this photo of Quentin at an Atlantic Theater Company Acting School Final Scene Day event! His students did so well!)
Hannajane Bull Prichett
Hannajane Bull Prichett - Katie's Maid of Honor
Hannajane is Katie's beloved daughter! She will stand beside her mamma, heading-up Katie's circle of bridesmaids as Katie's Maid of Honor. Hannajane lives in Denver Colorado where she hikes, swims, fishes and pursues her career in Geographic Information Science Technology (GIST.) She is dog mamma to Juney (see photo Gallery for more photos!) "HJ" has always been a vivacious nature person, and here she is, pictured with her wonderful outdoor-loving boyfriend Tyler when they came to visit Ashokan Rd. Tyler is also in computer technologies! They are fantastic dog parents and "adventure buddies." Hannajane is the light of Katie's life, along with her son, Hudson. XO
Aileen Gural
Aileen Gural - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Aileen will stand by Katie as a Bridesmaid, at her wedding to Craig. Aileen has been there for Katie through thick and thin; they've had each other's backs for over 25 years since Aileen's kids Kephra & Nieth met Katie's Hannajane & Hudson at pre-school in Greenwich Village, NYC. Aileen is an astonishing visual artist, deeply earth and soul connected jewelry designer and creative being who now lives in Woodstock with her partner Richard, a wonderfully high energy, adventurous man and an architect. Aileen has always inspired Katie with her dedication to inner work and spiritual exploration. She is a world traveler (from India to Costa Rica, to Burning Man!) and the host to many amazing events including her Soul Collage gatherings. Katie feels very lucky that one of her deeply best friends lives here in the Hudson River Valley.
Renee Redding Jones
Renee Redding Jones - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Renee is Katie's close friend and trusted colleague from work for 25 extraordinary years. She is a strong, spiritually grounded wise woman who will stand by Katie as a Bridesmaid. They are both teachers at The Atlantic Acting Studio in the NYU Tisch and professional programs. They can be located in the Faculty Lounge at 12:15 eating lunch and laughing. Renee teaches movement and meditation. She is also a reiki master, choreographer and Certified Intimacy Coach for Theater, Film and Television. Renee has been a backbone friend for Katie over the decades. Her daughter Jasmine (an aspiring actor/model) is Katie's son Hudson's age (and a fan of Hudi's music!) Renee and Katie have been on the parenting journey together since the beginning. Renee, Jasmine, and Renee's warm, solid husband Jerry - who runs his own business - live in New Jersey. Katie simply feels blessed to have one of her very dearest friends traveling upstate to stand with her on this most important day.
Ilse Pfeifer
Ilse Pfeifer - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Ilse is one of Katie's closest friends and they have known each other for over twenty years. Ilse is a soulfully intuitive and skilled body worker & a colleague in the Fitzmaurice Institute where they are both Certified Lead Trainers. Ilse is also a master voice coach at HB Studios in NYC and works professionally as a voice coach for actors, dancers, singers and public speakers. Katie and Ilse have supported each other creatively and personally through many phases of their own journeys of growth. Ilse is known to show up with healing herbs, talismans, and a deep listening ear. Katie is profoundly grateful that Ilse hopes to come stand by her at the wedding. It is possible Ilse will need to travel to Germany in August to visit family - in which case, she will stand in Katie's circle in spirit.
Juliette Kurth Emerson
Juliette Kurth Emerson - Katie's Bridesmaid & Godmother to Hj and Hud
Katie and Juliette met when they were 17 and 18, respectively, as second semester SUNY Purchase Freshmen (this photo shows them as best friends after 3 months of acting classes! ) They were assigned to the same Acting Company , "Joan Potter's Company". Katie can remember the day she saw Juliette striding across "the bricks" on campus, to their first class. "Who is that girl wearing a matching plaid purple cowgirl outfit and stetson hat!" Julie was walking with grace and power then - and now. Juliette was a stunning ballet dancer turned brilliant actor, and over the many years as roommates, traveling companions, weddings (Julie was Katie's maid of honor in her wedding to Hj and Hudson's dad, and Katie was one of Julie's bridesmaids in her wedding to Jonathan Emerson, her fantastic husband still!). And then, the babies- Julie gave birth to Owen who is around Katie's daughter's age, and Charlotte who is around Katie's son's age! Through to their career evolutions (Julie and Jonathan built Silverlake Yoga in Echo Park, LA! Julie spent many years as a birth Doula, and Julie is a Licensed Social Worker and Post Partum Therapist, now!) - Katie and Juliette have kept their connection, strong. They are the Godmothers to each other's kids, for good reason. Katie is very grateful for Julie's desire to travel East for the wedding.
Sheryl Galinski
Sheryl Galinski - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Sheryl is one of Katie's oldest and truest friends. She can talk about anything with Sheryl who is one of the gentlest, deepest listeners and most reliable persons, she's ever known. They met as kids in Brockport, NY and became close friends within a group of uniquely amazing young girls growing up together including Mary D'Agostino (who is also in Katie's bridesmaid circle!), Karen Fuller, Kristen Bott Nordstrum, Sheila Clune, Liz Banner and Coleen Cleeve. It was so hard for Katie to move back to NYC from Brockport leaving her friends when she was just 14. She loved them all so much. Sheryl and Katie reconnected as adults and have a kindred spirit to this very day! Sheryl worked in social services for decades where she met her down to earth husband Frank at a work party. They raised two sons, Dan and Nick who are just a little older than Katie's daughter! Sheryl is currently pursuing her artistic gift and has become a truly, truly, extraordinary visual artist. Her paintings of Katie and Craig's world adorn a small wall in their dining room. AND - NEWS FLASH: Sheryl designed the art for the wedding's snail mail Invitation seen in this photo! You will all receive the paper Invite too, via the conventional mail! ! Look at Mary D's bridesmaid bio for a photo of Sheryl, Katie and Mary, circa the '70s, as best girlfriends in Brockport! Friends, forever.
Mary D'Agostino
Mary D'Agostino - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Mary D'Agostino was the first friend Katie made when she moved from NYC's Greenwich Village to Brockport NY in 1969! Mary was so charismatic, outspoken, fun and welcoming - they were the same age and in the same grade at the progressive Campus School, and Mary took Katie under her 6-turning-7 year old wings! In the photo Mary is the girl in the middle, pictured holding the magnifying glass beside Katie (left) and Sheryl Galinski (right!) The girls were playing "detectives" together when Katie's dad snapped this candid. (As you can see detectives must have hats! ) Mary and Katie stayed in touch after Katie moved back to the city as a teenager, and then went off to college. They reconnected as adults and it was as if they had known each other their whole lives, which, in essence, they have! Their kindred connection is forever. And Katie is so lucky to have Mary coming to the wedding and arriving a few days early to help out! She is a remarkable organizer, mover and shaker, having been part of initiating innovative ideas in the business world of finance, and then, as the Executive Leader of the San Francisco ASPCA, and now a phenomenal nature photographer!
Mahima Saigal
Mahima Saigal - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Mahima and Katie are work colleagues at the Atlantic Theater Company Acting Studio and Katie considers Mahima one of her closest friends. Mahima is a fiery actor and dynamic NYU student advocate, a profoundly ethical, deeply moral activist and creative dynamo - a writer, performer, and hilarious person - like no one you have ever met. Katie spent over a year staying at Mahima's house in Harlem when teaching in the city. Mahima has offered to share her beautiful dancing at the wedding. Katie feels so incredibly lucky to have known Mahima these lasts several years, and to have a new kindred-soul-friend in the circle on the wedding day!
Ayelet Rose Gottlieb
Ayelet Rose Gottlieb - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Katie took this photo of her beloved soul-sister, jazz colleague and decades-long friend Ayelet, who is a Light on this earth. Katie and Ayelet met at a JEN Conference singers' showcase event in the NYC cafe, Chez Suzette. Katie could not believe how brilliant the then-26 year old woman was, and followed her after her set, to tell her she was the greatest thing happening! They were instant friends, forever. Ayelet is a singer, composer and bandleader. She has created the Orchard of the Pomegranates which is an on-line and real-time (in venues) project of jazz community that is so unique you'll just have to go there! She offers Listening Hours, explores dreams as sources for artists, and brings unique multi-disciplinary artists together to create artistic exchange as a way of being together in full presence. Ayelet is certified in the LoVetri method of singing and as such, Katie and Ayelet have a kindred connection to the whole body as an the vocal instrument. Ayelet recently presented Katie and pianist Jean-Michel Pilc in Montreal on a double bill alongside her own project, Dream Keepers. While her kids' start of school might make it hard to come down from Canada, she hopes to stand in Katie's circle either in person or, in spirit.
Fran Bull
Fran Bull - Mother of the Bride
Katie's beloved mother will join the Wedding Party procession and then speak at the Toast to support the marriage of Katie and Craig. To get to know Katie's mother look no further than her art at www.franbull.com There you will see a vibrant, passionate and deeply engaged artist of great accomplishment, lifelong discipline and dedication. You can also go to the PHOTOS section to see more images of Fran including pictures of her partner Robert Black, who is an architect and visual artist, too. They often collaborate on installations! Fran is an inspiration to Katie for her brilliant life in art, loving heart, spirit of welcome, hosting and astonishing generosity over the years. Her mom supported Katie's pursuit of singing, theater, writing and deep dives into Jungian psychology. Through her mom she has been exposed to fine art, opera, and learned about the aesthetics of life as art. Her mother's way of seeing beauty and hosting, has informed this wedding event. XO
David Fitzgerald
David Fitzgerald - Father of the Bride
David will join the Wedding Party procession and offer a Toast at the dinner in support of the marriage of Katie and Craig. Dave, as he is known, became Katie's stepdad when she was 10 years old. Little did they know their relationship would evolve over the decades to the beautiful moment when he said to Katie, "Call me Dad." As Katie also had a stepmother Cynthia, may she rest in peace, who was like a second mom, she understood how chosen family bonds can be a love that binds deeply, forever. Dave was an Executive in the world of business before he retired, and a man who has always celebreated the arts avidly. Through Dave, Katie was given encouragement to follow her dream as a young artist - and lessons in organizing for manifesting dreams. He is the best Grandpa that Katie's kids could ever have, understanding how life unfolds and the challenges and joys along the way. Here he is pictured in his mountain climbing days. In the PHOTOS section Dave is pictured on a recent Bucket List trip he made to Switzerland's Alps! And he is also pictured with his loving wife Gloria Fitzgerald, on one of their many visits to Ashokan Road.
Curt Raleigh
Curt Raleigh - Craig's Groomsman
Curt Raleigh is Craig’s younger brother, spiritual strength coach, sports fan extraordinaire, and ethereal sensei. While his choice of sports teams is somewhat questionable, his spirit is guided by his deeply faithful love of spiritual teachings from a lifetime raised in the Christian faith. Curt is the epitome of the “stand by me,” “got your back,” and “we got this” brand of human being and will stand by Craiger during the ceremony and beyond. He earned both his BS (86) and masters degree in mathematics from SUNY Brockport in 1988. He has been an industrial engineer and a supervisor at Kodak since that time. His dream was to own and race horses. Curt has been married to the love of his life Joanne since 1992 and have three amazing children Thomas, Josh, and Claire Raleigh, each of whom makes Curt and Joanne gush and remove pictures from their wallets. Curt loves to golf, play basketball, workout, drink cold, delicious IPAs, outplay his children at cornhole, and trash talk Craig’s favorite football team. While the Curter is a prime and deadly fisherman, he generally plays second fiddle to his big brother. The only thing that Curt does better than be the best possible brother to Craig is to be an amazing dad and husband.
Austin Raleigh
Austin Raleigh - Craig's Best Man
Austin is Craig’s one and only son and he loves him to the moon and back. Though Austin lives in Rochester, they are in close contact frequently, talking about their favorite sports teams, their dogs, life and more.Austin is married to Craig’s beautiful daughter-in-law Alexis and together they are the doggy parents to Nova, Yuki, and Minho. Whether it be the care of his dog-herd, his job, or the way he follows his favorite sports teams, Austin does it all at 110%. Austin graduated SUNY Oswego in 2017 with a degree in Business Administration and is now employed at Wegman’s Food Markets as a full seafood area manager. Austin likes to go golfing, sit down to a well set up match of D&D, and create a serious dog pile on the living room floor with his herd. Austin and his wife Alexis love to take their doggies camping on Cayuga Lake, for walks around the neighborhood, and love to bring them to the Hudson Valley to visit their doggy grandparents, Craig and Katie.
Hudson Prichett
Hudson Prichett - Craig's Groomsman
Hudson is Katie's son. He is pictured here with his sister Hannajane. Craig met Hudi for the first time on a visit to Lake Ontario when Hudson was still in braces, but that didn’t stop him from showing his awesome jump shot at a nearby hoop. Since that time, Hudi has grown into an impeccable man who is not only well read, but can quote James Joyce and Hemingway as quickly as he can his own fine rap lyrics. Hudson and Craig are both practicing their own versions of the arts and that draws them together: Craig as a writer and Hudi as an incomparable musician and composer. They've also had some time in the woods and plan to go fishing, too. Hudi is as at home in the concrete jungles of NYC or LA as he is in the Catskill Mountains of his Ashokan Road family home. Scouted by music industry managers from Hollywood, Hudson made the brave move from studying all things music at the New School in Manhattan to life as a professional musician in West LA. His original songs can now be heard on all streaming platforms (he's a Billboard Pick with millions of streams!) Hudson is also a fiction writer with his own voice - and Craig couldn’t be prouder to have such a creative, smart, genuine and kind step-son in his life to add to the immense blessing of his own DNA, Austin. Between Hudson and his sister Hannajane, and daughter-in-law Alexis, Craig feels a sense of combined family that is beyond compare.
Richard Bull & Cynthia Novack
Richard Bull & Cynthia Novack - In Memoriam Father and Stepmother of the Bride
These two dancing angels will join the Wedding Party from what Katie's father called "The Cosmic Ethers." Richard Bull, d. July 3, 1998; Cynthia Jean Cohen Bull, aka Cynthia Novack d. Sept 26, 1996. Pictured here beside their trio partner Peentz Dubble, their essence is clear - spontaneous, free spirited, and masters of the highest order as artists. Their profound loving warmth, wisdom and grounding informs every part of what you will see happening on the wedding day. They were loving grandparents and promised to "stay close" to their grandkids, too, so we will be reading their Signs. We all know they have given their Blessing for the marriage of Katie and Craig.
Lucille and Wyatt Raleigh Jr.
Lucille and Wyatt Raleigh Jr. - In Memoriam Mother and Father of the Groom
Craig’s parents met after WWII when his dad came returned from serving in the U.S. Navy to San Francisco. His mother was working as a telephone operator and had a military clearance that the other operators did not have, enough so that she could converse with the military personnel that were disembarking their ships. When Wyatt and Lucille set their eyes on each other, the Raleigh family was born! Lucille worked as a waitress, (server) phone operator, farmer, and raised livestock and children. Lucille suffered from rheumatic fever as a child and was told she may not be able to have children, but six kids later she was blessed to be a Grandmother, Great Grandmother and Great-Great Grandmother. Craig’s dad Wyatt was a loving and doting grandfather that adored his grandchildren. He loved to build things from scrap wood or metal and could even weld aluminum (a very difficult skill.) More than anything he loved to go fishing with his kids, especially his sons Craig and Curt. RIP Wyatt / June 30, 1997. RIP Lucille / July 5, 2016. They loved each other and their children with all of their hearts. We have angels watching over us. XO
"Katie and Craig"
"Katie and Craig" - Original Art by Sheryl Galinski
Katie and Craig
Katie and Craig - Bride and Groom
Engagement Day, November 20th, 2023
Kristen Nordstrom
Kristen Nordstrom - Katie's Bridesmaid Circle
Kristen is coming! YAY! Kristen has so happily accepted our invitation to venture East from her California home so as to join the wedding and the wedding party as one of Katie's bridesmaids! This event is bringing some of the most wonderful Brockport childhood friends together already - and Kristen makes that reunion-within-a-wedding even more complete, for Katie. She was one of Katie's Brockport hometown closest friends when they were kids and they have had a lifelong friendship! They met in the Brockport Middle School and were cast in The Music Man with Katie as Marion the Librarian and Kristen as Harold Hill - directed by their favorite social studies teacher, track coach and theater mentor John Izzo! Kristen also danced with Katie in the Modern Dance Group that they co-created in Bkpt. High School. They were roommates in Astoria, NYC after college, too! Kristen is an amazingly energized, wise and incredibly humorous spirit. Get ready for that laugh! She is a brilliant STEM teacher and award winning writer of children's books that focus on inventions based on principals found in nature. She is a fantastic mom of two grown sons, and wife to Gunnar, an accomplished Swedish sportswriter. Alongside the wedding guests, we are about to have the most amazing circle of bridesmaid women helping to hold the sacred space of Katie and Craig' loving communion on August 31st!