Where Should I Stay Near Ashokan Road?
Under "TRAVEL" we have listed a wide range of hotels, motels and Bed and Breakfasts. There are also camp grounds not far, so we have linked to Ulster County Tourism. That said: We recommend checking Air B & B or VRBO for local lodging. Look for places near Lomontville, Olive, Olivebridge, Shokan, Stone Ridge or West Hurley, as those are the towns closest to us (within 15 minutes). You can also look near Woodstock, Kingston and Rhinebeck (within 20-25 minutes). Hotels like The Residence Inn that we have listed under TRAVEL in Kingston are directly next to the Mall on Rt 9W. The local Bed and Breakfasts and Motels are more nestled into nature. Contact us with any further questions! Our kids are staying in our home and some of our immediate family, who are renting local Air B & B houses for the weekend, have already found GREAT rentals. We are happy to help you find something within your budget, nearby. Start booking now, as the Hudson River Valley is a tourist destination.
I Heard You Have 10 Acres - Can We Camp?!
Yes. Feel free to bring a tent! You can pitch-it on our grounds. We will have a fenced-in area called "the corral" with a fire pit, and some clearings around the woods free for tents. *You can pitch after the ceremony.*
We plan to rent a portable rest room and we have an outdoor shower attached to the main house. We will have a small bon-fire down in the fenced-in corral but no individual camp fires will be possible.
What Happens if it Rains?
They say rain on a wedding day is good luck. We are getting married, "Rain or Shine "- under a Tent that we are renting along with chairs and tables: All activities will transfer under the Tent. *We already plan to serve Dinner under the wedding tent.* In the event of rain, we will also move the Reception and other post-wedding festivities under the Tent. And after those meals and festivities, if it's raining hard, activities will likely be curtailed. If severe weather should ensue, please check this website for notifications of changes in plans.
What About Swimming?! I Heard You Have A Pool!
YES! Please bring your suit and towels! We have a solar heated salt-water pool and will have it set up to welcome you for swimming! It is fenced in. Children may not swim alone. We plan to open it up for swimming just after the Reception and keep it open into the night, with Tiki Torches and Solar Lights.
What About Parking?
We have designated spots set aside next to the main house for Katie and Craig's family. We also have some spots available on the logging road that is on our land (for SUV's), and in several other areas around our home. For all other parking, note that you ARE legally allowed to park on the shoulder of our road (on our side of the road only.) We have also organized extra parking with the church parking lot at the bottom of our road and can shuttle you. So, STAY TUNED: We will soon be posting a MAP of parking in our PHOTOS section on this website. We will also send the map to you -- it will have all the parking details. We plan on picking-up guests every 15 minutes between 2:45 pm and 3:30. The last pick up from that lot will be 3:30 p.m., because the Ceremony starts at 4 p.m. Our coming map will include details for how to get a ride back to the church lot between 9-10 p.m. Our Ceremony will start promptly at 4 p.m. so if your plan is to park on our road, we suggest getting to the road by 3:15 at the latest, to search out your parking choice so that, if you don't find what you need right next to our house, you can return to the bottom of the road (it's just a 5 minute drive) and park in the church lot. Thank you again!
P.S. There will be no church parking for the Sunday Brunch.
We are considering renting a UTV ( a two seated utility vehicle) for the day, to help create Accessibility for those who may have trouble with gentle hills. We have a few gently sloping pathways. When you RSVP you'll see our Accessibility Question.
Air Conditioning? What if it's very HOT?
There will be no air conditioning as this is an outdoor wedding. However, while we don't use air conditioning in our home on a regular basis, we do have two of them installed for extremely hot days and we plan to keep our two main house air conditioners going if it's extremely hot - in case anyone needs to cool off. We will have many outdoor fans going. You can also cool off down by the pool where the temperatures are always cooler. Plan to dress for the weather in comfortable summer wedding clothes. We will serve water but you may want to bring your own water bottle too!
Ticks are Real
We live on a mountain in the woods. We will provide good natural bug sprays that contain effective organic oils. One week prior we are having our Green Pestmaster treat the areas we will be sitting in with the herbal oils that repel ticks and do not harm other animals. You should, never the less, spray your feet and legs; keep an eye out as you would if you were hiking. And think about what shoes you wear, considering all of the above.
Will There Be Dogs?
The short answer is not during the Ceremony, Reception or Dinner. We ask that you do not bring your dogs to the ceremony and here is why.... We LOVE DOGS and have a pack of family dogs that we must accommodate first. Katie and Craig's dog Jasper will be staying with his buddies at the Wagg Inn for the wedding day (he LOVES it there), but will return *on-leash* for the Brunch the next morning; Craig's kids' dogs Nova, Yuki and Minho will be in the kids' guest Suite downstairs in our home during the Ceremony and for meals, &*on leash* during their walks to and from the corral when activities have shifted. There will be no dogs running around the corral during our Ceremony, or off-leash at any time, during the Reception or Dinner. If you have a fear of dogs, please rest assured we have you in mind (both Katie and Craig were bit as kids and we understand.) That said:
For the Sunday morning of the Buffet Brunch note that our dogs will have access to the corral and may be running around off-leash in that contained area while food is served in separate areas on our grounds! (Katie's daughter may decide to travel with her dog Juney too!) Also - we have to keep our dog world to the manageable pack because we are also minding our family's human kids, Kolton, Zev, Maya and baby Shiva! But if you have a service dog, note the Emotional Support Animal Question in our RSVP! Thank you!
Is This A Kid-Friendly Wedding?
Yes. We LOVE kids! Yay! Just let us know! And please mind-them continuously, thank you, as we live on 10 acres in the woods and there is a fenced-in swimming pool. No kids may hike or swim alone. We will have special goodies for kids and we do have a swing-set and slide, too!
Driving Instructions?
When entering our address into your GPS use our full address: 891 Ashokan Road, Kingston NY, 12401
There are several scenic ways to come here and each route is scenic in a different way:
The Ashokan Reservoir way:
Take Route 28 at the KINGSTON EXIT (EXIT 19) off of the Thruway going towards Pinehill & Phonecia. You'll be driving towards Boiceville (if you pass Boiceville you've gone too far.) On Rt. 28, drive PAST the Basin Road exit at the Stewart's Intersection (there's a signal light there), and keep going until you get to the Reservoir Road. That route will take you across the dividing weir of the Ashokan Reservoir, a small bridge that divides the East and West basins. The views of the foothills of the Catskill mountains are spectacular. If you come this way, you could stop first at the Ashokan Reservoir for an easy flat-grounded Reservoir walk! That walk is directly off Rt. 28. It's called the Rail Trail, and the Rail Trail sign is very small -so slow down as it comes up on your left as you drive west, just after the Stewart's intersection.
OR/ after taking Reservoir Road and crossing the weir, as you circle around Rt. 28A, you can take the Reservoir Promenade walk along the East basin.
The Farm Field way: This route will take you along the winding road called Hurley Mountain Road aka) County Route 5. You may be approaching this Farm Field way from different directions, depending on which Thruway Exit take!
From the South:
If you take the New Paltz EXIT (EXIT 18) and drive the gorgeous local backroads through towns like Rosendale, High Falls and Stone Ridge, you'll be approaching our road from the southern end of Hurley Mountain Road. You could even set your GPS to take you over the Mohonk Mountain in New Paltz, because that route lands you in High Falls, not far from our house!
If you take the Kingston Exit (EXIT 19) off the Thruway, you'll be directed to Rt. 28 and then - at the Kenco's Outdoor Store (which is HUGE, you can't miss it and you may want to check that place out!) - you'll be turning onto Hurley Mtn Rd/County Rt 5 off of Rt. 28 from the northern end of the Farm Field route.
Since we don't ask you to come to our wedding site (our home) until 3:30 p.m. at the latest, you might have the whole day to travel and might even be able to get some local sight-seeing or hiking in! There's the town of Woodstock, wonderful local galleries and eateries - and local antiquing, We also love Rhinebeck across the river. See our TRAVEL section on this website for other suggestions! Mind you, it's the last holiday weekend of the summer, so, give yourself extra time to travel. Most people will be traveling Friday and Monday. That is why we selected a Saturday late afternoon start time and a Sunday early brunch. Beat the traffic crowds! NOTE: As mentioned in our PARKING Q&A - We won't be able to shuttle you from the church parking lot after 3:30 p.m. The Ceremony will start promptly at 4 p.m. So we suggest getting to the road by 3 p.m. to search out your parking choice. Thank you again!
Traveling by Train or Bus?
Traveling here by Amtrak train or Pinehill Trailways Bus is VERY EASY and fairly low cost from NYC.
Trains cost $23 one way, if booked in advance. Buses cost $25 and since it's a holiday weekend, should also be booked in advance.
For Trains: Choose the option for Flexible Fares to protect any cancellation or rebooking needs you may encounter. A Flexible Fare adds $3-5
Book your Transport to arrive at least several hours prior to the start of the wedding in case there are train or bus delays (excluding severe weather, these modes of transport are always running and usually on schedule.) At the Train Station: There is a lovely cafe (The Epicurean) near the train station with a few tables next to the building outside, and the town of Rhinebeck is minutes away by local taxi. If you come by bus, you are 1 minute away from the Rosendale town center, which also has lovely cafes.
We would love to be able to set up a shuttle from these stops to our home, but we can't manage shuttling from the train, given that we will be focused on the wedding preparations, however, please reach out to us if you want to travel this way, because we may be able to connect you with another guest who has a car and can pick you up. (We have never used an Uber to shuttle people here as that is prohibitively expensive. It would be $60 from the Rhinecliff train stop/one way, and $30-40 from the Rosendale or Kingston bus stops. Those fees are not including gratuity.)
Amtrak Hudson Line:
Rhinecliff Station.
Pinehill Trailways:
Rosendale or Kingston Stop.
Use the Train or Bus Apps for Bookings:
Go to the "App Store" on your iPhone or Android and Search for the Amtrak or/ Trailways App. Purchase Tickets Online using the App for your easiest convenience. Then you'll have a Digital Ticket stored in the App on your phone - and you'll receive real time notifications via text or email should there be any transporation delays.